Acts and legalisation

How to legalise a document?

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Acts and certificates

The Belgian Office, Taipei (BOT) delivers the following acts and certificated in Dutch, French or German (the following consular fees apply):

  • Registration certificate
  • Residence certificate
  • Household composition certificate
  • Civil status
  • Certificate of existence (usually delivered by social security)
  • Certificate of nationality

For a certificate of custom, please contact the FPS Justice, Family Law Department, Boulevard de Waterloo 115 – 1000 Bruxelles (Tel +32 2 542 65 11 – Fax +32 2 542 70 23 –

Legalisation of documents

A document that is official and legal in one country is not necessarily official and legal in another. Many documents must therefore be legalised if you wish to use them abroad.

To legalise documents issued in Belgium to be used in Taiwan, consult the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs

To legalise documents issued in Taiwan to be used in Belgium, consult the legalization procedures (PDF, 66.63 KB).

Translation of documents

According to the Belgian legislation on the use of languages, all documents intended for Belgian public authorities must be either written in the official language of the region you are living in or accompanied by a certified translated copy in that language.

To translate your Taiwanese documents into Dutch, French or German, please consult the list of translators (PDF, 115.88 KB). The BOT does not offer translation services to individuals. 

Both the original and translated documents must be legalized. 

For the declaration of a newborn, please contact our office for further information.

Kindly note that:

  • In the Brussels-Capital Region, the official languages are French and Dutch
  • In Wallonia, French is the official language except in the 9 districts of Eupen where German is the official language
  • In Flanders, Dutch is the official language
  • Some specific rules apply to the so-called municipalities with languages facilities.

Certified copies

The BOT can only certify documents that it has produced itself. In other words, should you want to obtain a certified copy of a document produced by third parties, you will need to refer to the administration, the company, the school, etc. that has produce the original version of this document.